Student Life
When students come to EPIC at CSA, they become a part of a cohesive, supportive community of peers and qualified staff.
The EPIC Program embraces a wide spectrum of students with targeted needs, so every student feels like they belong, and that they can succeed. We offer a normalized high school environment where students walk freely between classrooms and adhere to high school rituals and traditions. They wear school uniforms, take pride in their lettermen’s jackets, and on game days, wear their jerseys. A wide array of student clubs and on-campus activities invite students to foster talents, hobbies and passions.
EPIC students have a pride in their school and their campus, and through our unique campus design, learn the importance of values, goals and community.
Vibrant Campus
Canyon State Academy impresses visitors with its vast athletic fields, equestrian terrain, gymnasium, state-of-the-art library and the academic quad. The campus environment sets a tone that reinforces academic inclusion, student achievement, and family and community involvement.
Our program prepares students who have been unsuccessful in their previous setting to return to a less restrictive environment, or to continue their education in a vocational school or college, or to become gainfully employed.
When families participate in parent-teacher conferences, attend athletic events or graduations, they celebrate milestones alongside these youth. Our campus is a true community: a place where students live, a place where students study, a place where they meet new friends and learn new skills, and a place where they discover new, bright futures.
Student Orientation
With the aid of a student mentor, the new student is introduced into the program as soon as possible. Varied learning, linguistically appropriate materials, and instructional strategies ensure each student comprehends the orientation process, which includes a tour of the campus, the development of a school schedule, a health examination, and program information as well as resources which include the Student Handbook and an I-VALIDATE binder.
EPIC recognizes the integral role that parents, families and other approved supportive adults play. Family members are welcome to tour the campus and meet staff any time prior to a student’s admission. Through Orientation, the family will be involved in the development of the student’s Individualized Treatment Plan which identifies clear education, treatment and life goals for the student.